Alminica can be partner in MSCA projects.
MSCA Fellowship
Non academic (SME) host. The MSCA fellow will learn how to create (real) impact.
During the fellowship period we will be active to support transfer of knowledge and visibility of MSCA fellow. Mainly by applying a workshop methodology using our online workshop platforms. The principle is: be organizer and people will come to you. You are in center. We train in how to create efficient dissemination (which actually creates more opportunities than presentations and papers).
During the non academic placement after main fellowship period, the fellow will have training in impact creation in fellowship topic. We will also train in how to facilitate research to business.
Thus we will support career development during fellowship period and create impact (career) plan during the non-academic placement. We can use our network and methodology during the full MSCA time to find next employment or career step.
Some training aspects are given in the full training of impact of research and career.
MSCA doctoral network
We can be partner in doctoral networks, offer secondments or training.
As partner, the PhD topic will be impact and business from research. Secondments will also offer training in that. In projects where we are not partner, we can provide training (workshops, courses etc).