
The company was founded 2016 by Mikael Syväjärvi for innovation and impact creation, transfer of knowledge and business development in advanced materials at the interface of research and innovation. In 2021 we founded ICM Research Institute as the department for research acticity.

He is researcher (crystal growth of SiC since 1994 and graphene on SiC), innovator and entrepreneur active to develop innovation ecosystems and create global partnerships in advanced materials and emerging technologies. He is active in skill development and training by transfer of knowledge to the young generation.

He has experience from broader contexts for research to market, such as avenues in European research and innovation strategy for smart specialisation for regional economic growth using the entrepreneurial discovery process, and strategic national innovation programmes. He is active in global partnerships for promoting impact from research, educating next generation research leaders, and establishing supply chains and value chains using sustainable manufacturing. He is supporting several start-ups in deeptech (mentor, adviser, board, etc). He is a visiting Professor of Advanced Industrial Materials Innovation at University of Lincoln (UK).


